How many are playing WebXR games?

Total gameplay on for March

123,739 plays for the month. 3,391 plays per day in average.
Each gameplay lasted 4:30 in average

*About 85% are Quest users.

Total paid gameplay for March

3,622 plays for the month. 👉 3% are paid players.

This number could use some improvement. If only I could make it 10%?

Maybe I should cut down on a lot of demos. 🤔🤔
Or call the demos “light versions” and make them like $3.00?

These numbers are not bad at all.

Several weeks ago, I’ve visited a medium-sized game company in my country to discuss expanding my WebXR adult gaming business. They have branches in Japan and China.

It’s too premature to think about any results. I’ve told them I’ll visit again when I have the 3D scanned pornstar game.

Pornstar VR game is the only item with enough value to make an actual business.

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11 months ago

Keep building up the player base and working on the system, social media is your friend. Ease of access to the game due to it being browser based is what got you this far this fast, that and having a fast loading demo.

Bribe the public who are addicted to the game. Tell them, if they want Titfuck mode that you need at least 200 shares on twitter hahaha.

11 months ago

Just pay attention to this kind of guys. Most will try to make you sign abusive contracts where you could lose everything you’ve done.

11 months ago

1. Get people interested (done)
2. Raise prices