VR Hand Game Video

  1. Auto Play Example

2. Hand Play Example

3. Cumming by Hand Gesture – Make peace gesture when you feel like cumming in real.


(Discord test completed… We’ll see this is a demo and a VRP premium)

If you’re interested in the 3D animation stuffs

One may think the this looks okay. Sure, she looks sensual.
But my recent style is to finish it like this..

I’ve realized that slight asynchronous rotations between whole body and upper body’s line makes it look more sexual.

Sure, real human doesn’t move like that (you’re a lucky guy if your girl’s upper body twists like that at all, lol)

But this is graphic, not a copy of a real person. It’s about our perceptions.

NonVR mode for the Android users

Several weeks ago, I’ve started to support this feature on the iOS.

On Android phones, it would run in WebXR split screen mode. So I’m adding a special option to the start screen.

I don’t know how much hits this feature gets, though. ????????

If this feature could have position control (as in Android AR), it’d be super cool, but I’ve found it’s not that easy.

Apron animation progress

One Bikini Standing Girl game has 59 animation cuts. Fixing them one by one is a huge task. Already done with the long sex cuts. For the short reactions, fixing 5 each day.

Sometimes I have anonymous comment asking for a animated parts (like long hair), it’s 10 hours to animate. If it’s a short hair, which needs no animation, I’ll put it as a fan service right away ????????

Anyway don’t hesitate to ask what you want, sometimes I find it interesting and get to it eventually. That’s what the anonymous comments are for.