First two insertion will be against the wall
Next two will be like the photos
cumshot-I can reuse that from beach. Actually I created the beach cumshot looking at that video. lol
Leifang ass episode material
I’m going to use this game as pose reference this time. It’s SchoolMate2, it’s my favorite of all Illusion games. It has an ass scene. It’d be smooth to continue from the last state of first episode
Dialogs will be as LeifangFan’s contribution
This is why we wanted to turn off the guy in VR
First person mode in VR, eye position moves by itself, sometimes it can shake violently and give us a motion sickness, or blocking a important part of view
We can turn off the character like this, and easily move into the guy’s position, or the girl’s
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This should be one of the reason we have 3D capable smartphone